Polars Bloomberg Logo

Polars + Bloomberg Open API


polars-bloomberg is a Python library that extracts Bloomberg’s financial data directly into Polars DataFrames.
If you’re a quant financial analyst, data scientist, or quant developer working in capital markets, this library makes it easy to fetch, transform, and analyze Bloomberg data right in Polars—offering speed, efficient memory usage, and a lot of fun to use!

Installation & Requirements

  • Bloomberg Access: A valid Bloomberg terminal license is required!
  • Bloomberg Python API: The blpapi library must be installed. See the Bloomberg API Library.
  • Python Version: Python 3.12+ recommended.
pip install polars-bloomberg

Quick Start

"Hello World" Example (under 1 minute):

from polars_bloomberg import BQuery

# Fetch the latest price for Apple (AAPL US Equity)
with BQuery() as bq:
    df = bq.bdp(["AAPL US Equity"], ["PX_LAST"])

│ security       ┆ PX_LAST │
│ ---            ┆ ---     │
│ str            ┆ f64     │
│ AAPL US Equity ┆ 248.13  │

What this does: - Establishes a Bloomberg connection using the context manager. - Retrieves the last price of Apple shares. - Returns the result as a Polars DataFrame.

If you see a price in df, your setup is working 🤩!!!

Cheat Sheet

Method Description
bdp() Fetch single-value fields (e.g., last price). more..
bdh() Retrieve historical data (e.g., time series). more..
bql() Execute complex Bloomberg Query Language requests. more..